忘記密碼 / Forget Password¶
以下方法需要你的 CSIE 工作站帳號為學生帳號而且你的 NTU MAIL (學號@ntu.edu.tw)仍在使用,否則請參考申請重設密碼。
This tutorial only for students in school. If you are alumni, please refer to this page.Request a Password Reset.
step 1¶
如果你忘記 csie 工作站密碼,請到 esystem 申請新密碼。輸入你的 NTU 信箱,點選 RESET PASSWORD。
If you forget csie workstation password. Please go to esystem website register a new password. You’ll see this page then enter your NTU mail address and press Reset Password.
step 3¶
打開NTU信箱,會收到一封 [CSIE WORKSTATION] password reset 的信。打開信件,點選 URL。
Go to NTU mailbox and open the [CSIE WORKSTATION] password reset and click on the URL.
step 4¶
If you get this page, means the system reset your password successfully and send the new password to your NTU mailbox.
step 6¶
再到 CSIE INFO 去修改密碼 請參考更改密碼
Go to CSIE INFO to change your password, you can refer CHANGE PASSWORD.