# 帳號 Account ## 帳號申請流程 Workstation Account Application **帳號申請單 Account Application Form** [下載中文申請單](https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1IU6O9D-lNWxOYKrFrL1PHhpRxYdipBLi) [Download English veiirsion](https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1nsWEGVzriAeTaEYgIVNa3mB0CfqpZBXf) ### Situation 1 系/所教授、職員、專任助教、工讀生 Faculty, Staff, Teaching assistant, Part-time worker **申請流程 How-to apply** * 由系/所辦通知工作站實驗室建立帳號
Your account will be created upon requests from CSIE/GINM office. ### Situation 2 資工系、資工所、網媒所學生 CSIE/GINM Students **包含大學部(含雙主修、輔系生)、碩士班(一般生、在職生、產業專班)、博士班(一般生、直升)** **申請流程 How-to apply** * 於新學期初由工作站實驗室開立帳號後,將密碼寄至臺大信箱
Your account should have been created and your password should be sent to NTU Mail. * 若無法登入或忘記密碼,請聯絡[系統管理助教群](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/contact/contact.html)。
If you cannot log in or forget your password, please send an email from your NTU Mail to [System Management TAs](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/contact/contact.html) to request a password reset. ### Situation 3 外系修課、專題研究學生 Interdepartmental Students enrolled in CSIE/GINM courses or research **申請流程 How-to apply** 1. 填妥申請書 Fill the application form. 2. 授課教授簽名同意 Request a signature from the course’s instructor. 3. 送交 217 工作站實驗室申請 Submit the form to room 217. **使用年限 Expiration date** * 無論是第一或第二學期進行申請,帳號都統一於下一學年(暑假時)刪除。
Your account will be deleted in the next academic year. ### Situation 4 研究助理、博士後研究 Research assistant, Postdoctoral research **申請流程 How-to apply** 1. 填妥申請書 Fill the application form. 2. 指導教授簽名同意 Request a signature from your advisor. 3. 送交工作站實驗室申請 Submit the form to room 217. ## 帳號空間限制 Limitation of the account space * 在校生 Current Student: 2 GB user quota and 1 GB mail quota per user. * 系友 Alumni: 200 MB user quota and 100 MB mail quota per user. * 外系修課 Students enrolled in CSIE/GINM courses: 500 MB user quota per user. ## 更改密碼 Change Password 如果需要變更帳號密碼,請參考[更改密碼](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/account/change_password.html)。
Please reference to the [Change Password](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/account/change_password.html). ## 忘記密碼 Forget Password 請參考[忘記 CSIE 工作站密碼](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/account/forget_password.html)。
Please reference to the [FORGET CSIE WORKSTATION PASSWORD](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/account/forget_password.html). ## 申請重設密碼 Reset Password 請參考[申請重設密碼](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/account/request_password_reset.html)。
Please reference to the [Request a Password Reset](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/account/request_password_reset.html). ## 帳號停權說明 Statement about account suspension 如你有以下狀況, 我們將會依對系統的損害程度, 進行停止所執行的程式或是暫時停權等處份.
If you have any of the following situations, we will suspend your executing programs or your account temporarily according to the extent of damage to the system. * 執行過多程式導致系統負荷過重 Execute so many programs as to overwhelm the system. * 遇重大事件危急系統安全時,未依規定時間內更改密碼者 Not changing your password in the given time when there comes a serious problem endangering the system security. * 疑似帳號遭盜用者 Your account is accessed by an unauthorized person. * 更多細節,請參考[工作站使用規範](https://wslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/workstation/computation_and_usage_rules.html)